Making EVERY
Vote Count

Welcome to!  Our goal is to become your “go to” source for explanations and analyses of voting systems around the world.

The objective of a voting system should be to choose the candidate who best represents voters making the selection.  We unabashedly evaluate voting systems on their ability to do this.

Our conclusion, based on the extensive research posted on this site, is that Consensus Voting, also known as Condorcet compatible or tournament voting, results in electing the candidate that best represents their constituency.  

Of course, we welcome opposing views willing to subject their opinions to the rigors of academic research and analysis.  We recognize that this is an important conversation and that many experts and reformers have opposing views.  However, our hope is that all agree that every vote should count!

  • Our Purpose

    This site was created to become a free-access, must-go-to, you-can-find-it-all-there, coherent source for explanations and analyses of the many voting methods in use or proposed for use in the United States.

  • Founder

    Charles T. Munger Jr. is an experimental physicist with a Ph.D. in atomic physics from the UC Berkeley, where he graduated in 1987. His career has ranged from high-energy particle physics to the use of atomic systems to test fundamental symmetry principles.

  • Voting Methods

    We deal with the question of how a large number of voters can express their opinions about multiple candidates on a single ballot, and how one of those candidates is thereby chosen for office.

  • Resources

    The following resources are provided for those who would like to delve deeper into the study of voting systems and include not only the extensive analyses performed by election reform authority Charles T. Munger, Jr., but also others with expertise in the field.