Making EVERY Vote Count

The following resources are provided for those who would like to delve deeper into the study of voting systems and include not only the extensive analyses performed by election reform authority Charles T. Munger, Jr., but also others with expertise in the field. If you would like to provide any comments on, or contributions to, these resources, please use the Contact Us section of this website.


My various papers each have individual abstracts that gives their principal results, and each has an introduction that describes the content of the separate section of the paper. The papers and sections can (mostly) be read independently of each other; think of a section as something like an entry in an encyclopedia, a book which one could if one chose read from cover to cover, but which is designed to let a reader look up and read information about one topic mostly without reading information about another.

To help a potential reader navigate, here the papers are grouped into one of three categories: The California Top-Two Primary; Condorcet Methods Versus Instant Runoff and Election Methods Without Ranked-Choice Ballots. 

For each paper is listed its title, often its abstract or a summary, and then what can be found in it, section by section. Major sections of a paper are indexed by Roman numerals; subsections, by capital letters; and sub-subsections by numbers.

A summary and conclusions covering all three linked papers — California's Top-Two Primary: A Successful Reform, papers I, II, and III — appears in III on p. 13. The four linked papers The right way to read Ranked-Choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs, papers A through D have a single abstract

The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-A
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-A

Summary: The first of four linked papers A – D which analyze how best to take ranked-choice ballots and choose a single winner. The analysis includes the different incentives each method offers to candidates, causes, and voters, seeking to win, particularly to the tactics of bracketing and strategic nomination; presents examples and proofs of how the different methods perform when voters opinions are described as ranging along more than one political axis; and how the different systems rate against all the various abstract criteria used to assess the worth of election systems. In sum, any tournament method is decisively better than Instant Runoff (also known as the Alternative vote, or the Hare method); and the best of the tournament methods is Ranked Pairs; it is argued that any tournament method better than Ranked Pairs is unlikely to exist, which given its ease of implemen- tation, makes it the best choice if ranked-choice ballots are to be used. Ranked Pairs works whether voters preferences on their ballots are strict, or whether voters are permitted to rank candidates in equal groups. If Ranked Pairs is considered too different from Instant Runoff to adopt, two other runoff methods, the Direct Hybrid and the Benham method, may be used instead.

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The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-B
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-B

Summary The first of four linked papers A – D which analyze how best to take ranked-choice ballots and choose a single winner. The analysis includes the different incentives each method offers to candidates, causes, and voters, seeking to win, particularly to the tactics of bracketing and strategic nomination; presents examples and proofs of how the different methods perform when voters opinions are described as ranging along more than one political axis; and how the different systems rate against all the various abstract criteria used to assess the worth of election systems. In sum, any tournament method is decisively better than Instant Runoff (also known as the Alternative vote, or the Hare method); and the best of the tournament methods is Ranked Pairs; it is argued that any tournament method better than Ranked Pairs is unlikely to exist, which given its ease of implemen- tation, makes it the best choice if ranked-choice ballots are to be used. Ranked Pairs works whether voters preferences on their ballots are strict, or whether voters are permitted to rank candidates in equal groups. If Ranked Pairs is considered too different from Instant Runoff to adopt, two other runoff methods, the Direct Hybrid and the Benham method, may be used instead.

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The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-C
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-C

Summary: The first of four linked papers A – D which analyze how best to take ranked-choice ballots and choose a single winner. The analysis includes the different incentives each method offers to candidates, causes, and voters, seeking to win, particularly to the tactics of bracketing and strategic nomination; presents examples and proofs of how the different methods perform when voters opinions are described as ranging along more than one political axis; and how the different systems rate against all the various abstract criteria used to assess the worth of election systems. In sum, any tournament method is decisively better than Instant Runoff (also known as the Alternative vote, or the Hare method); and the best of the tournament methods is Ranked Pairs; it is argued that any tournament method better than Ranked Pairs is unlikely to exist, which given its ease of implemen- tation, makes it the best choice if ranked-choice ballots are to be used. Ranked Pairs works whether voters preferences on their ballots are strict, or whether voters are permitted to rank candidates in equal groups. If Ranked Pairs is considered too different from Instant Runoff to adopt, two other runoff methods, the Direct Hybrid and the Benham method, may be used instead.

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The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-D
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

The right way to read Ranked-choice ballots: not Instant Runoff, but Ranked Pairs-D

Summary: The first of four linked papers A – D which analyze how best to take ranked-choice ballots and choose a single winner. The analysis includes the different incentives each method offers to candidates, causes, and voters, seeking to win, particularly to the tactics of bracketing and strategic nomination; presents examples and proofs of how the different methods perform when voters opinions are described as ranging along more than one political axis; and how the different systems rate against all the various abstract criteria used to assess the worth of election systems. In sum, any tournament method is decisively better than Instant Runoff (also known as the Alternative vote, or the Hare method); and the best of the tournament methods is Ranked Pairs; it is argued that any tournament method better than Ranked Pairs is unlikely to exist, which given its ease of implemen- tation, makes it the best choice if ranked-choice ballots are to be used. Ranked Pairs works whether voters preferences on their ballots are strict, or whether voters are permitted to rank candidates in equal groups. If Ranked Pairs is considered too different from Instant Runoff to adopt, two other runoff methods, the Direct Hybrid and the Benham method, may be used instead.

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“Spoilers” Spoil Nothing
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

“Spoilers” Spoil Nothing

Summary: The concept of spoilers, as defined by Fairvote, is analyzed and demonstrated to be useless for deciding whether Instant Runoff or either of the clone-free, Condorcet methods of Beatpath or Ranked Pairs is a better method to decide elections that use ranked-choice ballots. The problem of finding all patterns of ballots that generate spoilers that are not merely clones is solved for the general case of 4 candidates, and for 4 candidates restricted to a spatial model in two dimensions.

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Benham, a Condorcet method, compared to Instant Runoff, has for 3 candidates strictly fewer opportunities for tactical voting
Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr. Condorcet Versus Instant Runoff Charles T. Munger Jr.

Benham, a Condorcet method, compared to Instant Runoff, has for 3 candidates strictly fewer opportunities for tactical voting

Summary: Opportunities for tactical voting using ranked-choice ballots are examined for three-candidate elections under Instant Runoff, and under the Condorcet runoff method known as Benham. The Benham method is shown to have strictly fewer opportunities for unilateral tactical voting, as follows. If an election offers an opportunity under Benham, then it also offers an opportunity under Instant Runoff; but the converse is not true: there are elections that offer an opportunity under Instant Runoff that do not under Benham.

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